Our Services

Statement Processing

We provide comprehensive solutions and support to help you reach new heights.

You don’t have to compromise between quality and savings with our many years as an industry leader.

Banks and financial institutions outsource their statement processing services to RebateFirm because of the convenience, flexibility, and the need to stay on the cutting edge of technology.

Statements that can be sent out:

Monthly Savings & DDA Statements

Savings and DDA statements are the most common transactional documents you send to your customers. Don’t miss the opportunity to impress them with consistent delivery and an attractive statement that meets their needs and communicates important messages and offers from your financial institution.

Loans, Notices, and Tax Statements

Loan documentation, daily notices, and tax statements are equally important to your customers even if they’re not as numerous. Make sure they’re never late or lost in the mail.

IRA and Trust Statements

IRA documents and trust statements represent the hopes and dreams many people have for retirement. Timely and well-designed statements provide reassurance regardless of the account’s current balance.

One-Time Mailings and Marketing Communications

Build awareness of relevant offers or communicate important notifications through stand-alone marketing mailings or with inserts, outer-envelope messaging, and personalized statements. Monthly statements have an especially high open rate, which represents an excellent opportunity for banks to selectively cross-promote relevant products, encourage eStatement and mobile banking enrollment, or communicate other timely information.

We approach bank statement mailing with maximum postal discounts and our use of an Intelligent barcode System. We can offer speedy delivery and reduced postage.

Banks and other financial institutions sometimes hesitate to outsource because they fear a loss of control over their customer data. However, our customer service infrastructure gives you peace of mind and more control over the process than if you were to manage everything in-house.

Whatever your bank needs or desires—we can accommodate it! With vast experience processing data from virtually every combination of core processing and imaging platforms, we can accept a wide variety of data formats. Our goal is the same as yours: to provide excellent customer service by producing quality documents in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Entrust RebateFirm with all your financial statement printing and mailing needs!


Contact us today to get a demo and find out how we can help with your printing and mailing needs!

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